Turbochargers are terrific for delivering more air to the combustion chamber to get more power from gasoline and diesel motors. Like all mechanical components, turbochargers need maintenance so they can continue to do their job. Sometimes, though, they break down and leave you with the option of turbocharger replacement or rebuilding. Here are four benefits of rebuilding instead of replacing a turbocharger.

1. Better Fuel Economy

A rebuilt turbocharger restores your engine’s fuel economy while giving you significant savings on ownership costs. According to Garrett Motion, turbochargers can improve an engine’s fuel economy by up to 40%. Even those that don’t give you that much of an increase still usually improve fuel economy by at least 20%.

2. Increased Engine Power

Turbochargers are great for improving the power of gasoline and diesel engines. They harness the exhaust gases coming from the manifold to spin a prop that is attached to another prop along the same axis. The other prop forces air into the combustion chamber to give it a lot more oxygen to mix with the fuel and really increase the engine power. The heat from the exhaust tends to cause oil inside the turbocharger to leave carbon deposits that can build up and cause the turbocharger to overheat and fail.

3. Greater Reliability

Whether you rebuild it or undertake a full turbocharger replacement service, your car’s engine will thank you by running more reliably well. Restoring its full power potential with a rebuilt turbocharger means the engine won’t have to work as hard to go as fast. You can cruise at freeway speeds with less wear and tear on the engine while also enjoying better fuel economy. You also can get up to speed quicker and maintain safe distances between your vehicle and others.

4. More Cost-Effective

It costs a lot less to pay for a rebuild service for your turbocharger than it does to buy a new one and pay for installing it. An automotive technician can remove your existing turbocharger, disassemble it, and clean the oil passageways and other parts. If any parts are showing wear and tear, new parts will replace them for a fraction of the cost of replacing an entire turbocharger. Once it’s rebuilt, it can go back into place and continue working as intended.

Are you in need of turbocharger service? If so, call Samperio Turbo Rebuild to learn more and schedule a turbocharger replacement or rebuild for your vehicle. We look forward to assisting you!

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