Turbochargers once were used mostly for sports cars and exotic vehicles, but they are being used more often with private passenger vehicles. Turbochargers are being included in many current-production vehicles, and some even have two turbochargers. As vehicles get smaller and lighter, turbochargers are enabling them to maintain a suitable level of performance while meeting demands for improved fuel efficiency. If you are considering buying a new vehicle, here are four reasons to choose one with a turbocharger.

1. Improved Fuel Economy

Improved fuel economy is the main reason why more vehicles have turbochargers included as they roll off the production line. Turbochargers force more air into the combustion chamber of internal combustion engines to give them more air and more power from each drop of fuel burned. According to Grand View Research, turbochargers improve an engine’s fuel economy by up to 20%. That’s a significant amount of fuel savings that will lower your ownership costs.

2. More Power From a Smaller Motor

The other big advantage of turbocharged motors is that they produce significantly more power. When an engine gets more air for combustion, it can burn fuel more efficiently and get more power. You can maintain the power with the help of turbo repair shops. That extra power will help you get better performance from the increasingly smaller motors used in currently produced vehicles.

3. Reduced Engine Noise

A turbocharger muffles some of the engine noise, which makes a vehicle quieter to drive. You won’t have to deal with a loud motor, which makes driving more comfortable and relaxing. You also won’t upset your neighbors with a loud engine that wakes them up early in the morning or disturbs them while at home. An engine that runs relatively quietly is ideal for handling daily driving duties.

4. Easy Maintenance

Local turbo repair shops can keep turbochargers in optimal condition by cleaning them so they don’t get clogged by residue from the oil they contain to keep them cool. Turbochargers also can be rebuilt or replaced as needed to ensure motors run at maximum efficiency. The ability to clean and maintain turbochargers makes them more affordable to have while saving you money on your fuel costs.

Call Samperio Turbo Rebuild today to learn more about how turbo repair shops like ours can keep your turbocharger and vehicle in top-running condition. We’ll be happy to perform any necessary turbo repairs or maintenance on your vehicle. We look forward to working with you!

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